"Elements" Periodic Table of the Elements release history To run "Elements", do one of the following: 1) Change the default directory to the one that "Elements" and the Data and Fonts directories are in ("CD Elements"). Type "Execute execute.me". 2) From the Workbench, double-click on the "PeriodicTable" icon. 04-28-89 This is version 1.2, an update to the one originally sent to Fred Fish. It loads faster and takes up less disk space due to the data files being converted to binary format. A tiny bug in the radioactive isotopes window has been fixed too. It now allows more than one element to be opened at once, as well as any of the Info windows. This now makes close comparisons of more than one element possible. There is no limit to the number of element windows opened at once (except by CHIP RAM), but the screen tends to fill quickly with those windows, so any more than four at once would seem unnecessary. If there are any new releases, rest assured that they will be much smaller, because Lattice v5.0 is on its way! -Paul 10-02-89 This is version 1.2a, an update to the update, with one minor bug in the element selection routine fixed, a "Quit" menu option and no CLOSE gadget on the main window (to avoid confusion - some people quit the program by accident), a slightly enhanced color map, and row indicators. It's also now compiled under Lattice "C" v5.02, and much smaller and slightly faster. 12-19-89 RELEASE This is version 1.3, adding non-interlace mode (by request - flicker really doesn't bother me, but thanks to those of you that wrote and asked for it!) and extend-selection of two elements which details some bonding information about the two elements. Check out the Instructions window from the menu (or press the HELP key - novel idea, eh? It's RAWKEY code 0x5F guys, to those of you that don't use it!). Enjoy. - Paul