To install the printer drivers in this drawer is very simple. First, use the command line interface (CLI) to copy the printer driver you need into your devices directory. "copy AMICUS_#9:PrinterDrivers/Epson to DEVS:printers" Substitute the name of the printer driver where Epson appears. Second, double click the Preferences icon and select the 'Change Printer' option. Third, type the name of the printer driver to the right of where the text 'Custom printer name' is. Finally, use the large up arrow to scroll to the top printer driver named 'Custom'. The printer drivers for the Panasonic, SmithCorona, NEC, and plain Epson were compiled by myself and have been tested. The other printer drivers I have downloaded from bulletin boards and have not tested. The printer driver for the Epson differs from the version on the 1.1 workbench in its handling of bit-mapped graphics. My version does not overlap every eighth bit mapped row. The printer driver for the Panasonic has an extra 'feature' not implemented in the Panasonic that lets you print super and sub scripts while in Near Letter Quality mode. Hope you are printing happily along now, Rick Wirch