This disk contains two games (Word Puzzle and Chinese Triangle) which are written for public domain usage. The games can be copied and distributed freely without cost or restriction as long as the games are not sold. There are no copyrights or warranties on the games. The games were written by: Russell Mason 5225 Old Hixson Hixson, Tn., 37343 Release 1.1 February, 1991 *********** Chinese Triangle Instructions **************** This game is like chinese checkers and can be found on many restaurant tables. The game consists of fourteen pegs and one empty hole in a triangular formation. In this game, the pegs are represented by orange circles and the empty hole by a black circle. The object of the game is to leave one peg in the original empty hole or have eight pegs on the board and no possible moves. The game is more challenging than it appears. A move is started by clicking the left mouse on a orange circle and again on a black circle. The two circles must be separated by a orange circle and be connected by a dotted line. The user has the choice of selecting the empty hole location or let the computer select the location.