To install Arp, use the batch file "ExecuteMe" if you have a two-drive system. 1> Execute ArpV1.0:ExecuteMe If you have a single-drive Amiga, you can use the batch program OneDrive, which will save some disk-swapping (sorry, when we finish the ARP batch language you should be in better shape). Both of these programs will copy all of the programs in the ARP C directory to your C directory, and also will copy arp.library to your libs: directory. We reccommend you try ARP first with a scratch-diskette duplicate of your normal WorkBench CLI disk before subjecting your valuable work to the new operating environment; we expect you should have no problems, but if you do we'd rather you not loose any irreplacable data. The most likely problem you will have with ARP is that you will not have arp.library in your system disk libs: directory, which will cause all the ARP programs to display a recoverable alert that looks rather like a GURU. When you get an alert number, this is what has happened; to solve this problem, you need to copy the library into the currently used libs: directory. A similar situation may occur in your Startup-Sequence, if you reassign your C: directory before setting up Libs: to a directory that has arp.library in it. In this case, you must either make sure there is a copy of arp.library in the libs: dir of the boot disk, or you must do the Assign of libs: before changing C: Thank you for using ARP, once you get over the initial hurdles we think you'll be glad you went through the effort of setting it up!