; This is the object-oriented runtime package ; by David Betz ; July 19, 1986 ; ******************** ; PROPERTY DEFINITIONS ; ******************** ; These properties will be used for connections between locations (property north ; the location to the north south ; the location to the south east ; the location to the east west ; the location to the west up ; the location above down) ; the location below ; Basic object properties (property initial-location ; the initial location of a "thing" description ; the "long" description of a location short-description) ; the "short" description of a location ; Connection properties (property parent ; the parent of an object sibling ; the next sibling of an object child) ; the first child of an object ; Location properties (property visited) ; true if location has been visited by player ; Portal properties (property closed ; true if the portal is closed locked ; true if the portal is locked key ; key to unlock the portal other-side) ; the other portal in a pair ; ********************** ; VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS ; ********************** ; Some abbreviations for common commands (synonym north n) (synonym south s) (synonym east e) (synonym west w) (synonym inventory i) ; Define the basic vocabulary (conjunction and) (article the that) ; ******************** ; VARIABLE DEFINITIONS ; ******************** (variable curloc ; the location of the player character %actor ; the actor object %dobject ; the direct object %iobject) ; the indirect object ; ********************* ; CONNECTION PRIMITIVES ; ********************* ; Connect an object to a parent (define (connect p c) (setp c parent p) (setp c sibling (getp p child)) (setp p child c)) ; Connect all objects to their initial parents (define (connect-all &aux obj maxp1 par) (setq obj 1) (setq maxp1 (+ $ocount 1)) (while (< obj maxp1) (if (setq par (getp obj initial-location)) (connect par obj)) (setq obj (+ obj 1)))) ; Disconnect an object from its current parent (define (disconnect obj &aux this prev) (setq this (getp (getp obj parent) child)) (setq prev nil) (while this (if (= this obj) (progn (if prev (setp prev sibling (getp this sibling)) (setp (getp this parent) child (getp this sibling))) (setp this parent nil) (return))) (setq prev this) (setq this (getp this sibling)))) ; Print the contents of an object (used by "look") (define (print-contents obj prop &aux desc) (setq obj (getp obj child)) (while obj (if (setq desc (getp obj prop)) (progn (print " ") (print desc))) (setq obj (getp obj sibling)))) ; List the contents of an object (used for "inventory") (define (list-contents obj prop &aux desc) (setq obj (getp obj child)) (while obj (if (setq desc (getp obj prop)) (progn (print "\t") (print desc) (terpri))) (setq obj (getp obj sibling)))) ; ************************ ; OBJECT CLASS DEFINITIONS ; ************************ ; *********************** ; The "basic-thing" class ; *********************** (object basic-thing (property parent nil ; the parent of this object sibling nil)) ; the next sibling of this object ; *************************** ; The "location" object class ; *************************** (object location (property child nil ; the first object in this location visited nil) ; has the player been here yet? (method (knock? obj) T) (method (enter obj) (connect self obj) T) (method (leave obj dir &aux loc) (if (setq loc (getp self dir)) (if (send loc knock? obj) (progn (disconnect obj) (send loc enter obj))) (progn (print "There is no exit in that direction.\n") nil))) (method (describe) (if (getp self visited) (print (getp self short-description)) (progn (print (getp self description)) (print-contents self description) (setp self visited t))) (terpri))) ; ****************** ; The "portal" class ; ****************** (basic-thing portal (method (knock? obj) (if (getp self closed) (progn (print "The ") (print (getp self short-description)) (print " is closed!\n") nil) T)) (method (enter obj) (connect (getp (getp self other-side) parent) obj)) (method (open) (if (not (getp self closed)) (progn (print "The ") (print (getp self short-description)) (print " is already open!\n") nil) (if (getp self locked) (progn (print "The ") (print (getp self short-description)) (print " is locked!\n") nil) (progn (setp self closed nil) T)))) (method (close) (if (getp self closed) (progn (print "The ") (print (getp self short-description)) (print " is already closed!\n") nil) (progn (setp self closed T) T))) (method (lock thekey) (if (not (getp self closed)) (progn (print "The ") (print (getp self short-description)) (print " is not closed!\n") nil) (if (getp self locked) (progn (print "The ") (print (getp self short-description)) (print " is already locked!\n") nil) (if (not (= thekey (getp self key))) (progn (print "It doesn't fit the lock!\n") nil) (progn (setp self locked t) T))))) (method (unlock thekey) (if (not (getp self closed)) (progn (print "The ") (print (getp self short-description)) (print " is already open!\n") nil) (if (not (getp self locked)) (progn (print "The ") (print (getp self short-description)) (print " is not locked!\n") nil) (if (not (= thekey (getp self key))) (progn (print "It doesn't fit the lock!\n") nil) (progn (setp self locked nil) T)))))) ; ***************** ; The "actor" class ; ***************** (basic-thing actor (property child nil) ; the first "thing" carried by this actor (method (move dir) (send (getp self parent) leave self dir)) (method (take obj) (disconnect obj) (connect self obj)) (method (drop obj) (disconnect obj) (connect (getp self parent) obj)) (method (carrying? obj) (= (getp obj parent) self)) (method (inventory) (cond ((getp %actor child) (print "You are carrying:\n") (list-contents %actor short-description)) (T (print "You are empty-handed.\n"))))) ; ***************** ; The "thing" class (things that can be taken) ; ***************** (basic-thing thing (class-property takeable t)) ; **************************** ; The "stationary-thing" class (things that can't be moved) ; **************************** (basic-thing stationary-thing) ; *********************** ; MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS ; *********************** ; Complain about a noun phrase (define (complain head n tail) (print head) (print-noun n) (print tail) (abort)) ; Find an object in a location (define (findobject loc n &aux this found) (setq this (getp loc child)) (setq found nil) (while this (if (match this n) (if found (complain "I don't know which " n " you mean!\n") (setq found this))) (setq this (getp this sibling))) found) ; Find an object in the player's current location ; (or in the player's inventory) (define (in-location n &aux obj) (if (or (setq obj (findobject curloc n)) (setq obj (findobject %actor n))) obj (complain "I don't see a " n " here!\n"))) ; Find an object in the player's inventory ; (or in the player's current location) (define (in-pocket n &aux obj) (if (or (setq obj (findobject %actor n)) (setq obj (findobject curloc n))) obj (complain "You don't have a " n "!\n"))) ; *************** ; ACTION DEFAULTS ; *************** (default (actor optional)) ; ****************** ; ACTION DEFINITIONS ; ****************** (action look (verb look) (code (setp curloc visited nil) (send curloc describe))) (action a-take (verb take get (pick up)) (direct-object) (code (setq %dobject (in-location $dobject)) (if (getp %dobject takeable) (progn (if (send %actor carrying? %dobject) (complain "You are already carrying the " $dobject "!\n")) (send %actor take %dobject) (print-noun $dobject) (print " taken.\n")) (complain "You can't take the " $dobject "!\n")))) (action take-err (verb take get (pick up)) (code (print "Take what?\n"))) (action a-drop (verb drop (put down)) (direct-object) (code (setq %dobject (in-pocket $dobject)) (if (send %actor carrying? %dobject) (progn (send %actor drop %dobject) (print-noun $dobject) (print " dropped.\n")) (complain "You aren't carrying the " $dobject "!\n")))) (action drop-err (verb drop (put down)) (code (print "Drop what?\n"))) (action give (verb give) (direct-object) (preposition to) (indirect-object) (code (setq %dobject (in-pocket $dobject)) (setq %iobject (in-location $iobject)) (if (send %actor carrying? %dobject) (progn (send %actor drop %dobject) (send %iobject take %dobject) (print-noun $dobject) (print " given.\n")) (complain "You aren't carrying the " $dobject "!\n")))) (action give-err (verb give) (direct-object optional) (code (if $dobject (complain "Give the " $dobject " to who?\n")) (print "Give what?\n"))) (action a-inventory (verb inventory) (code (send %actor inventory))) ; *************** ; PORTAL COMMANDS ; *************** (action a-open (verb open) (direct-object) (code (setq %dobject (in-location $dobject)) (send %dobject open))) (action open-err (verb open) (code (print "Open what?\n"))) (action a-close (verb close) (direct-object) (code (setq %dobject (in-location $dobject)) (send %dobject close))) (action close-err (verb close) (code (print "Close what?\n"))) (action a-lock (verb lock) (direct-object) (preposition with) (indirect-object) (code (setq %dobject (in-location $dobject)) (setq %iobject (in-pocket $iobject)) (send %dobject lock %iobject))) (action lock-err (verb lock) (direct-object optional) (code (if $dobject (complain "Lock the " $dobject " with what?\n")) (print "Lock what?\n"))) (action a-unlock (verb unlock) (direct-object) (preposition with) (indirect-object) (code (setq %dobject (in-location $dobject)) (setq %iobject (in-pocket $iobject)) (send %dobject unlock %iobject))) (action unlock-err (verb unlock) (direct-object optional) (code (if $dobject (complain "Unlock the " $dobject " with what?\n")) (print "Unlock what?\n"))) ; ********************* ; GAME CONTROL COMMANDS ; ********************* (action save (verb save) (code (save))) (action restore (verb restore) (code (restore))) (action restart (verb restart) (code (restart))) (action quit (verb quit) (code (print "Are you sure you want to quit? ") (if (yes-or-no) (exit)))) ; ************** ; TRAVEL ACTIONS ; ************** (action go-north (verb north (go north)) (code (send %actor move north))) (action go-south (verb south (go south)) (code (send %actor move south))) (action go-east (verb east (go east)) (code (send %actor move east))) (action go-west (verb west (go west)) (code (send %actor move west))) (action go-up (verb up (go up)) (code (send %actor move up))) (action go-down (verb down (go down)) (code (send %actor move down))) ; ******************* ; HANDLER DEFINITIONS ; ******************* (init (connect-all) (print welcome) (setq curloc nil)) (update (if (not (= (getp adventurer parent) curloc)) (progn (setq curloc (getp adventurer parent)) (send curloc describe)))) (before (setq %actor adventurer) (if $actor (progn (setq %actor (in-location $actor)) (if (not (= (class %actor) actor)) (complain "You can't talk to a " $actor "!\n")))))