Suntronic --------- Suntronic consists of two programmers , Holger Benl and Felix Schmidt , who have already gained experience since about 5 years on systems like the Atari 800 XL , the C 64 and the Amiga . They are working on the Amiga since 18 months . If you need some sounds , write to : Felix Schmidt Lerchenauerstr. 39 8000 Munich 40 West-Germany or call : 089 / 3006915 Now some information about the routine used for the sounds on this disk : - First of all : We don't sell the routine to anyone , we sell only sounds made with this routine ! - The routine is 3.6 k long , it is able to play both digitized instruments and realtime-calculated synthetic ones and it is of course fully pc-relative , so it is quite easy for you to include it in your progs . On this disk , the sounds 1,2,3,4,5 and 8 use only calculated , the others only digitized instruments . - The digitized instruments are very much longer than calculated instruments , but they don't take as much time from the CPU . So , it is quite important that you tell us , how much memory and how much time the routine could take , if you want to get a sound from us . - For a complete soundtrack , we charge 200 DM ( about 130 US-$ ) at the time , but if we get too many charges , we may raise our prices . So don't hesitate and buy some high-quality sounds from SUNTRONIC ! **** THIS DISK IS PUBLIC DOMAIN , SO PLEASE COPY IT !!!! **** Last but not least hellos to the following musicians : Jas C. Brooke , Benn Daglish , Fred , Martin Galway , Stein Giske , Fred Gray ROB HUBBARD , Master Blaster , SLL , A. Starr , David Whittaker Michael Winterberg , Darius Zendeh