10 'MiniPaint program by Henry Birdseye 20 'As of 10/12/85 at 11:44 30 'click color menu once to activate menu, 40 ' then again over color to select 50 ' or over "quit." to quit. 60 ' once points are selected, mouse to 70 ' far upper left corner to finish figure. 80 ' feel free to change this program. 90 ' call The Unknown TBBS for Amiga uploads 100 ' at (303) 988-8155. 1000 dim fig%(1000) 1010 gosub 1470 1020 scnclr 1030 gosub 1340 1040 gosub 5000 1060 gosub 1290 1070 pena col% 1080 i%=0 1090 gosub 1210 1100 if (x%<5) and (y%<5) then goto 1160 1110 fig%(i%)=x%:fig%(i%+1)=y% 1120 gosub 1320 1130 i%=i%+2 1140 goto 1090 1150 ' 1160 ' 1170 fig%(i%)=fig%(0):fig%(i%+1)=fig%(1) 1180 i%=(i%/2)+1 1190 mat area i%,fig%() 1200 goto 1030 1210 ask mouse x%,y%,b% 1220 if b%=0 then goto 1210 1230 sleep 500000 1240 return 1250 window #1,0,0,150,300 1260 cmd 1 1270 print"click mouse in here,":print"then choose a color." 1280 return 1290 close #1 1300 cmd 0 1310 return 1320 if i%=0 then draw(fig%(i%),fig%(i%+1)) else draw(to fig%(i%),fig%(i%+1)) 1330 return 1340 window #1,0,0,175,300 1350 cmd 1 1360 print"click mouse, then" 1370 print"choose colors." 1380 for j%= 0 to 15 1390 pena j% 1400 for k%= 0 to 3 1410 sq%(k%*2+1)= int(k%/2)*9 + j%*10 + 16 1420 next k% 1430 mat area 4,sq%() 1440 next j% 1450 print at (1,23); "quit."; 1460 return 1470 'initialize boxes 1480 for i%=0 to 7 1490 read sq%(i%) 1500 next i% 1510 return 1520 data 0,20,100,20,100,25,0,25 5000 gosub 1210 5010 if y%>176 then gosub 1290:stop 5020 if y%<16 then goto 5000 5030 col% = ((y%-10)/10) - 1 5035 if col% < 0 then col% = 0 5040 return