10 rem downloaded from compuserve 10/29/85 REP 20 rem [72746,1424] 30 rem PINWHE.BAS 27-Oct-85 2435 Accesses: 45 40 rem 50 rem Keywords: GRAPHIC ANIMATION COLOR 60 rem 70 rem A quick re-hack of a program originally done for the Tandy 2000. 80 rem Manipulates the color registers to achieve spin of the pinwheels. Named 90 rem Pinwheels.bas on my Amiga. Not as good as PolyScope, but fun none the less. 95 rem -=DB=- 100 'PINWHEELS.BAS 110 RANDOMIZE 115 '******* Arrays to store rgb info from color registers 120 DIM red%(15),green%(15),blue%(15) 130 SCREEN 1,4,0 135 '******* Save the color registers 140 FOR register%=0 to 15 150 ASK RGB register%,r%,g%,b% 160 red%(register%)=r%:green%(register%)=g%:blue%(register%)=b% 170 NEXT register% 175 '******* Make the "dark" blue ABasiC background go away. 176 '******* Add ":RGB 2,0,0,0" to black the frame. 180 RGB 0,0,0,0 190 SCNCLR 195 '******* Set up our constants 200 M=3.141593/180:Xmax%=640:Ymax%=200 205 '******* and entering variables 210 color%=3:inkey$="" 215 '******* MAIN LOOP 220 WHILE inkey$="" 230 angle1=INT(121*RND)+59:increment=(INT(4*RND)+1)/2 240 px=INT(Xmax%/2):py=INT(Ymax%/2):angle2=angle1:p=increment:y=1 250 LOCATE (px,py) 255 '******* DRAW LOOP 260 WHILE y>0 AND y