10 ? "XMODEM Padding Remover" 20 ? " By Jim Nangano" 30 ? "This program will produce" 40 ? "a loadable file from the " 50 ? "file downloaded by Xmodem" 60 ? :? "You will be prompted for" 70 ? "the input filename. The program" 80 ? "will output the same filename" 90 ? "with a '.OBJ' extension":? 100 INPUT "NAME OF FILE TO BE STRIPPED ? ",IN$ 110 OPEN "N",#1,IN$,128 120 ON ERROR GOTO 140 140 ON ERROR GOTO 0 150 OPEN "N",#2,IN$+".OBJ" 160 FIELD #1,128 AS IBUFF$ 170 FIELD #2,128 AS OBUFF$ 180 NRECS=(LOF(1)/128)-1 185 rput #2,0 190 FOR I=1 TO NRECS 200 ? nrecs-i+1;"Records remaining ";chr$(13); 210 RGET #1,I:LSET OBUFF$=IBUFF$:RPUT #2,I 240 NEXT I:CLOSE #2 260 OPEN "A",#2,IN$+".OBJ":RGET #1,I:PTR=1 290 ? "CORRECTING LAST RECORD" 300 while mid$(ibuff$,ptr,2)<>chr$(3)+chr$(&hf2) 310 PRINT #2,MID$(IBUFF$,PTR,1);:PTR=PTR+1 330 WEND 332 print#2,mid$(ibuff$,ptr,2); 340 CLOSE #1: CLOSE #2 350 ? "Done!" 360 ? "at the CLI prompt enter" 370 ? IN$;".OBJ to run the program"