1 'Demo of Abasic SSHAPE function. 2 'define a box on screen by 3 'clicking upper left and 4 'lower right limits. then 5 'draw with mouse by clicking 6 'left button and moving. 7 'you'll get the hang real quick. 50 sleep 1000000 60 crlf$ = chr$(13)+chr$(10) 100 INI$="ATS0=1" 110 atdt$="ATDT" 120 open "O",1,"SER:" 130 open "I",2,"SER:" 140 get a$ 145 if a$="" then 140 147 if a$=chr$(27) then stop 150 print #1,a$; 155 print a$; 157 if a$=chr$(13) then 1000 160 goto 140 1000 stop 2000 input "what file to xfer";fi$ 2003 if li$="$" then stop 2010 open "I",3,fi$ 2020 while not eof(3) 2030 line input #3,li$ 2040 print #1,li$ 2045 print #1,chr$(13) 2050 wend 2055 close #3 2060 goto 2000