DeluxePaint III Demo Created by Gene Brawn for Electronic Arts The DeluxePaint III Demo is distributed on 2 floppy disks: DPaintIII_demo1 and DPaintIII_demo2. You can run the demo from the floppies (if you have 2 drives) or from a hard drive (after proper installation.) 1 megabyte of memory is required. ALWAYS run the demo from the workbench. This demo is BIG and requires all of the memory on a 1 megabyte system. If you can't seem to get it to run, close all of the windows and background tasks and try again. If this fails, reboot your machine to clear out the memory (sometimes other processes can fragment memory and this may be enough to prevent the demo from running.) Installing on a hard drive The demo can be automatically installed on a hard drive by double-clicking the InstallHD icon on the Workbench or by typing in the file name from the CLI. This will create a new directory named DPaint_demo on your drive and then transfer all of the files you'll need for the demo to this drawer. The player program looks for a Hard Disk device named FAST: with a drawer named DPaintIII_demo. You must put an additional statement in your harddrive startup sequence for the demo to run. Here's how you do it: 1. Load your file "startup-sequence" into a text editor. 2. Add ASSIGN FAST: , i.e. HD1:, FS0:, etc. to the list of "assign" staements already there. 3. Save it and run the demo. If you don't want to make this change permanently, simply click on the "Shell" or "CLI" icon in the Workbench and type the same "assign" sequence and press return. Close the CLI and run the demo. Unless you reboot your machine, you won't have to do this again and you can run the demo as many times as you wish. DON'T change the file or directory names, the demo will not run if you do! Enjoy GB San Mateo, CA 11 April 1989