Welcome to SGM disk II - The Roger Ramjet Mix. If you got hold of the YelloMIX disk, you should be aware of the principles SGM stands for. If you haven't got a copy (why not!), Seriously Good Music is all about quality. Quality samples and quality music. Originality is the key here - none of this EurobopJarre crap which saturates the marketplace. Don't get me wrong on this - I have nothing against this type of music, I just believe that it is pointless writing the umpteenth version of a bass/chord riff based piece. Anyway, I hope you like Roger's little ditty - if you have not seen any of his 'four minute wonders' then get down to your local video shop and hire one out. The tape the rap was taken from is a compilation I bought ex-rental from our local library. As always, the quality was a bit iffy as it had been eaten by many kids (both young and Adult!). I couldn't do much about the picture but I could improve the sound. How many times have you seen the words 'Digitally Remastered' on a record or tape? Here's how you do it at home on your favorite video... You will need 1 high quality sound sampler, 1 sampling package or other software which allows you to monitor a sound source (AM-II, Master Sound (the one I use), ProSound or equivalent), two video recorders (Hifi sound is an advantage but not a necessity), a decent hifi (no Amstrads here), preferably with a graphic equaliser but definately with some form of filters or bass and trebel knobs and copious leads to connect everything. The full setup should look like this: [CLICK]