c READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT VERY CAREFULLY, AND TAKE NOTE, MY FRIEND! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Before loading this disk TURN OFF your Amiga for about 30 seconds You could also try disconnecting any external drives you've got.. BUT THIS DISK WON'T WORK FULLY UNLESS YOU'VE GOT 1 MEG OR MORE!!! Some of the songs just won't load................................ IF, AT ANY STAGE, ONE OR MORE OF THE SONGS WILL NOT LOAD, OR RUN, PRESS RESET, RE-BOOT THE DISK, AND MAKE THE SAME SELECTION AGAIN. I'm sorry about this. But, because of the way the disk works, I couldn't do anything about it. It will usually happen with Cigar Smoke and Deep Water, sometimes others. Also, most of the songs are packed, so once the drive light has gone out, wait a few seconds for the music to start. I'm not the worlds best programmer (yet!), so please excuse this minor strangeness. Enjoy the music! This disk is Public Domain and may be freely copied etc. It MAY NOT, however, be placed in any other PD library than that of 17-Bit Software.............So there. ----------------- ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |Slide your finger over the left mouse button and push to continue| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||