General info on the purpose of this disc... Its dead simple really.....just boot up this disc, choose which level of Dungeon Master you'd like to see/view/do/die in, press the appropriate key and wait for the relevant file { DMGame.dat } to be copied over to the root directory so that the Dung Mast game disc knows what or where you want to do or see { or die in !!! } THE IMPORTANT BIT :- ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ After the copying has finished just boot up the DungMast game and RESUME with this disc as your saved game disc. You will, of course, have to write_enable this disc [ thats with NO hole showing ] to be able to copy the saved games. END OF THE IMPORTANT BIT. ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ I hate those big_headed foreign plonkers who delight in spreading virii { is that spelt rite ? } so I have used only those commands commonly found { such as those on the WorkBench disc }. Search for any virus if you wish but you wont { I hope ! } find any. T H E A. P. H. I. D! I S T R U S T W O R T H Y .... However...I'd keep a backup of this disc just in case........... All my love to the gorgeous Jane Elizabeth and Ta-ra from The Aphid! EndOfJuly1990