Synthia Play Copyrights (C) 1990 By The Other Guys, and Bob Dayley All Rights Reserved On this disk is a SMUS score player. The player can use any instrument written by SynthiaPro/II including AudioIFF, Mimetics, 8SVX IFF, Sonix, etc samples. This SMUS player can play most SMUS files from Deluxe Music, Sonix, Instant Music, and several other score editors. It will also play the "hidden" chords written by Instant Music. To use the player: 1. Click the SynthiaPlay icon and a window will open. 2. Set "Mode" to "Select Instrument Dir". If the instruments you are going to use are in another directory besides the "Instruments" directory on this disk, type in the name of the directory containing the instruments in the "Dir" box. When you are done, the names of the instruments should be displayed in the window. 3. Set "Mode" to "Select Score". 4. If the SMUS score you want to play is not located in the "Scores" directory on this disk, type in the name of the directory containing the score into the "Dir" box. Use the arrows to scroll the name of the desired score into the window. 5. Click over the name of the score and select "LOAD". 6. When the pointer returns to normal (not "BUSY"), select "PLAY" to hear the score. You may select "STOP" at any time to stop the playback. 7. Repeat the above starting at 4 to load and play another score. For best results, instruments should be saved in AudioIFF 8-bit format. (AudioIFF is the format used by the "Load/Save" window in SynthiaPro and an option in Synthia II.) The best sampling rates will fall between 8khz and 20khz. Anything higher than aproximately 20khz will be scaled down so the Amiga hardware can handle it. You may use the SMUSUtilities on this disk to modify various SMUS scores to take various instruments playable by SynthiaPlay. You may use AudioIFF, 8SVX, Sonix, and several other types of instruments. About This Disk There are several songs and instruments on this disk. The songs were downloaded from several BBS's and then changed with SetInst to accept AudioIFF instruments. All of the instruments used in the songs were either created or modified with Synthia II. Note the high quality as you are listening to the songs. This is the kind of quality generated by Synthia Professional, Synthia II, and EZ FM Synth! Distribution: The SynthiaPlay disk is freely distributable. SynthiaPlay may NOT be copied separately from the SynthiaPlay disk. The disk may not be modified or changed in anyway. SynthiaPlay may only be copied otherwise with express written consent from The Other Guys. For information on licensing please call 801 753-7620. Additional Information A freely distributable CLI only SMUS player is available from the BBS's, PD disks, or by contacting the above number. Demos, catalogs, and information on our products, such as Synthia II, can be obtained by writing: The Other Guys 55 North Main Suite 301D PO Box H Logan, UT 84321 USA or calling toll-free: 800 942-9402. Our product line includes Synthia Professional, Synthia II, EZ FM Synth, several educational products, Reason (text proofreader), and others. Look for these in your local store or contact us! The Other Guys are accepting software submissions for commercial marketing worldwide. If you have a program you would like to market please contact us at the above phone number or address.