This disk is freely distributable. Give it (do NOT sell it) to someone you like. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is version 1.2.2 of mCAD, a shareware object-oriented drawing program. If you use this program, I'd like you to send a donation of $20 to (me): Tim Mooney 120 Purefoy Rd. Chapel Hill NC 27514 Sending the donation renders you a registered user and entitles you to the source code, updates, and support. If you want me to send the source, the latest version, or anything else that requires mailing you a disk, please send either a blank disk or an additional $5. If you use mCAD and DON'T send a donation, you can discharge your moral obligation to me by writing/creating something USEFUL on the Amiga and releasing it into the public domain. If you can't do either of these things then I feel pretty bad for you and hope your situation improves. Sincerely, Tim Mooney 3/11/87 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents of this disk: mCAD - the executable mCAD.doc - documentation mCAD.rgb - the color map read by mCAD at startup. This file is over-written by mCAD when the user selects "Save Colors" from the "Color" menu. mCAD.txt - the text font used by mCAD. This is not an Amiga font; it is not a bit-mapped font, but a line-drawn one. OptoDAC.cad - a sample mCAD file. part - a subdirectory of mCAD files useable as parts (or as drawings.) readme - this file. sendplt - a script file to be "Execute"ed. This is used to send plotter files to a plotter. This file only works for single-pen plotter files (files created in response to a "..1 Pen" selection from the "Project" menu.) For multi-pen plotter files, simply copy the file to ser:. stage.cad - a sample mCAD file. voltage_to_frequency.cad - a large sample mCAD file. This file is near the limit of what a 512K Amiga (running the current version of mCAD and nothing else) can handle. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since the demo version of mCAD was distributed, I have modified two programs, which I had previously placed into the public domain, so that they can write mCAD input files. The programs are: mp - A program which extracts data from a text file and plots it on a hires screen. This is a pretty capable plotting program which allows for line and point plots with error bars. Also the program is good at telling the difference between text and data; you can, for example, plot the content of tables of data in a report. tdp - A program which makes 3-D plots of data with hidden-line removal, user-defined view point, etc. The above two programs are still in the public domain, of course.