;self displaying quick reference type s:quickref quit = ======================================================================== = Quick Reference for Sili(Con:) Command Line Editing: Return -- Execute the command (and preserve it in history list). BackSpace -- delete character to left. DEL -- character to right. Left/Right-Arrow -- move one character left/right. Shift-Left/Right-Arrow -- move to that end of the line. Control-X -- delete entire line (and the undo buffer!). Right-Amiga-Q -- restore original contents ("undo"). History Control: Up/Down Arrows -- move up/down list of previous commands. Shift-Return -- preserve command in list, but do not execute. Right-Amiga-DEL -- delete the current command from the list. State Control: Control-C, -D, -E, -F -- passed on to running program. Right-Amiga-Return -- push Control Window to back (remains active!). Left-Amiga-Return -- bring Control Window to front and make it active (may be given at any time). Mouse (left button): Click on history item to make it current. Double-click to execute it.