/* MountList for V1.3 */

/*  Mount Entry for the new Console Handler */

    Handler = L:Newcon-Handler
    Priority = 5
    StackSize = 1000

/* This is an example of a non-filing system mount using a handler written
   in C.
    Handler = L:Speak-Handler
    Stacksize = 6000
    Priority = 5
    GlobVec = -1

/*  This is an example of an alternative type of non-filing device mount,
    used to mount the non-buffered serial handler

    Handler = L:Aux-Handler
    Stacksize = 1000
    Priority = 5
/*  This is a non-filing system device */

    Handler = L:Pipe-Handler
    Stacksize = 6000
    Priority = 5
    GlobVec = -1

/* This is an example of a mount list entry for using the recoverable 
   ram disk.  Depending on the amount of memory you wish to devote to
   it, you may want to change the HighCyl value.

RAD:       Device = ramdrive.device
           Unit   = 0
           Flags  = 0
           Surfaces  = 2
           BlocksPerTrack = 11
           Reserved = 2
           Interleave = 0
           LowCyl = 0  ;  HighCyl = 21
           Buffers = 5
           BufMemType = 1

/* Mount a 5.25" disk drive to be mounted as DF2: */

DF2:       Device = trackdisk.device
           Unit   = 2
           Flags  = 1
           Surfaces  = 2
           BlocksPerTrack = 11
           Reserved = 2
           Interleave = 0
           LowCyl = 0  ;  HighCyl = 39
           Buffers = 20
           BufMemType = 3

/* An example mount entry using the fast file system with a partition
   of the hard disk using the 2090 disk controller.  PREP has been
   used to create the first partition (up to cylinder 20).  The second
   partition is MOUNTed, using the following entry:
   NOTE: Some hard disk drivers require more stack than specified here.
   Some may required less.
   (The hard disk is not included; this is only an example.)

    Device = hddisk.device
    FileSystem = l:FastFileSystem
    Unit   = 1
    Flags  = 0
    Surfaces  = 4
    BlocksPerTrack = 17
    Reserved = 2
    Interleave = 0
    LowCyl = 21  ;  HighCyl = 800
    Buffers = 30
    GlobVec = -1
    BufMemType = 1
    Mount = 1
    DosType = 0x444F5301
    StackSize = 4000

/* Let's say you have an A2000 with an internal drive, and an external
   drive, and you want to refer to the external drive as DF1: as well
   as DF2:   Well, this MountList entry will do it for you.  This technique
   can be extended to provide you with a drive A: and B: if you really

DF1:       Device = trackdisk.device
           Unit   = 2
           Flags  = 1
           Surfaces  = 2
           BlocksPerTrack = 11
           Reserved = 2
           Interleave = 0
           LowCyl = 0  ;  HighCyl = 79
           Buffers = 20
           BufMemType = 3