fb bluestripes type Credits run >nil: smp Song wait 4 button echo " Welcome to the 10th AGAtron Slideshow" echo " At first...featuring some Screenshots from my upcoming video" Pics/17 Pics/18 Pics/1 Pics/2 Pics/15 Pics/3 Pics/5 Pics/6 Pics/7 Pics/8 Pics/16 Pics/9 Pics/10 Pics/11 Pics/13 Pics/14 Pics/12 echo " And at the end also some other pics..." echo " AmigaSun - won the fourth price in the Amiga-title-pic contest" Pics/AmigaSun echo " A Space Station" Pics/Station echo " What now? A pic by Michael Clinard using my Objects" Pics/What_Now? type booting wait 5 boot