BACKCOLOR=$000 BANNERCOLOR=$F00 MENUCOLOR=$FFF SCROLLCOLOR=$0F0 SCROLLSPEED=1 BARLINES=ON MENUPOSITION=CENTRE MENUMODE=FLUSH HILITEMODE=BUTTON COPPERMODE=DOUBLE COPPERLINES=64 COPPERSTART=$000 COPPEREND=$00F COPPERSTEP=$001 BANNERTEXT=GAMES GALORE VOL 2 y. SCRIPTTEXT=*** PLEASE WAIT *** MENUTEXT1=Welltrix MENUFUNCTION1= { RUN "Welltrix/Welltrix" } MENUTEXT3=Girl Actions (Game/Pun) MENUFUNCTION3= { RUN "Girl_Actions" } MENUTEXT5=Pic of the month MENUFUNCTION5= { Vilbm thing.ham endcli } MENUTEXT7=Zero Virus (Utility) MENUFUNCTION7= { cd ZeroVirus RUN "ZeroVirus" cd df0: endcli } MENUTEXT2=^ MENUTEXT4=^ MENUTEXT6=^ MENUTEXT8=^ MENUTEXT9=Vector Check (Utility) MENUFUNCTION9= { cd Vectacheck Vectacheck Echo "You have 30 seconds to look at this" wait 30 cd df0: endcli } MENUTEXT10=^ BANNERSTYLE=0 SCROLLSTYLE=0 MENUSTYLE<1-10>= EXITMODE=OFF SCRIPTDELAY=1 SCREENTOBACK=ON