The Master Virus Killer V2.1 (c) Leclercq Xavier 1991 ->MVK2.1 Rights Reserved by Stefan Ossowski in GERMANY , AUSTRIA and SWITZERLAND and for this countries the program is NOT PublicDomain/share. ->MVK2.1 FRENCH VERSION is not PublicDomain/Share. ->For all others countries (BELGIUM , U.K. , USA ...) this program (ENGLISH VERSION ONLY) IS a Public Domain in shareware. ------------------ Shareware? ---------- My MVKv2.1 English program is 'Shareware' which means you may still copy it and give it away to friends without restriction. [ But you can't sell it ] BUT.. if you use it and find it useful.. Send Share_Ware: Leclercq Xavier Vieux Chemin d'Ath n°12 7548 Warchin BELGIUM [ Payement: Cash , "Mandat postal international". If you send a cheque please send only an Eurocheque...] ----------