HAMLAB V0.91 - IFF-ILBM Image Convertor - Table of Contents Introduction............................. line 32 / 41 % Hardware Requirments..................... line 47 / 52 % Use...................................... line 80 / 85 % History.................................. line 97 / 100 % İ 1991 By Dreamer Of Wizzcat PL 2286, 96201 Rovaniemi, Finland (This document is also prerelease) (Recommended viewing program: PPmore) INTRODUCTION ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ With this program you can converte almost all pictures which are in IFF-ILBM form to Amiga. Because the converting almost all means transporting pictures from another machine to Amiga I had to decide which format I use. IFF-ILBM was natural choice because all other machines got programs to chance their weird pictureformats to IFF. However I must tell you that there is new IFF-PBM format what new PC-Dpaint2 supports so if you use it and want to move pics to Amiga, remember save pictures to ILBM form. HARDWARE REQUIRMENTS ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ MINIMUM: Amiga 512 KB Ram 1 DiskDrive Note: With this hardware the use is only bad joke! ENOUGH: Amiga 1024 KB Ram 1 DiskDrive Note: This is enough in most of the cases. BEST: Amiga (68030 or 68040) 1024 KB CHIP Ram & 1024 RAM 300 MB HardDisk Note: $$$ ($$$$$$ in Finland) USE ŻŻŻŻŻ The gadgets should be self-explanatory but some words about DreamHAM. Use this mode when you want only see picture but don't want to edit it later. Mode is fully automatical and will halve x-size when there is more than 320 pixels in row. Maximum display size is 313*624 and if size is greater only part of the picture is showed. However all data is saved to file. You can't save picture to IFF. So why to use this mode? - Better quality: picture is sharper and cleaner than HAM. ! You can make tool icon for DHAM picture and show it from WorkBench ! HISTORY ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ WHY? About 6 months or so I wanted to converte some pics from PC (SuperVGA) to AmigaHAM. For that task I started to search converte programs and I found two: VirtGIF and GIF2HAM. Both programs were designed to converte GIF-pics to HAM but when I started to test them I soon founded that the programs could not satisfy my needs because they were very slow and conversion was bad. After that I started to code my own converte program which I thought to be the best and the fastest in the world... Did I succeed? You can be the judge! LONG RUN... At first I of course started to think algorithm for picture conversion and it was quite hard to invente. I can tell you that the algorithm is very simple and reasonable fast. When the algorithm was ready I got great idea to improve the HAM-mode. Then I simply coded the program and named that new mode as DreamHAM. Of course I was too lazy to code normal HAM conversion routine at the same time. But now (26.03.1991) I get enough strenght to do it. It is also possible that in the 'near' future I'll make bitmap-routines..