* repair for aztec's dospkt() routine - now uses Arp library if 0 *doc dos_packet NAME dos_packet -- Send an AmigaDOS packet SYNOPSIS result = dos_packet (port, type, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) long result; struct MsgPort *port; long type, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7; FUNCTION Sends a DOS packet to the specified handler. This is a replacement for the Aztec C dos_packet() routine that calls Arp SendPacket(). INPUTS port - Handler MsgPort type - Packet Action code arg1..arg7 - Packet arguments RESULTS result - Res1 from the Packet (return value from SendPacket()) errno - Res2 from the Packet MODULE dospkt.asm *end endc dseg public _ArpBase public _errno cseg public _LVOSendPacket public _dos_packet _dos_packet move.l 4(sp),a1 move.l 8(sp),d0 lea.l 12(sp),a0 move.l _ArpBase,a6 jsr _LVOSendPacket(a6) if INT32 move.l d1,_errno else move.w d1,_errno endc rts