AddDADevs(31.0) ARP Programmers Manual AddDADevs(31.0) NAME AddDADevs -- get private copy of DevInfo list. SYNOPSIS numentries = AddDADevs( dalist, select ) D0 A0, D0 FUNCTION AddDADevs provides a method of searching the DevInfo list for specific types of entries, and adding them to a user private DA list in a way that is safe for multitasking, and easily accessible for assembler or higher level languages. This function calls AddDANode() to add nodes to the dalist. The list is sorted first by class, and then alphanumerically, by name. The user is responsible for freeing the nodes allocated by this function. INPUTS dalist - pointer to a DA list header selectmask -- the selection mask which determines which devices will added to the DA list. See defines arpbase.[hi] RESULT numentries - The number of entries actually added to the users DA list will be returned as the value of this function, and the list nodes will have been allocated and added to dalist. BUGS None known. SEE ALSO FreeDAList(), AddDANode(), DosFreeMem(), Tracking functions. AUTHOR CDH Page 1 (printed 2/22/88)