CheckSumPrg(33.4) ARP Programmers Manual CheckSumPrg(33.4) NAME CheckSumPrg -- Calculate the checksum on a resident program. SYNOPSIS checksum = CheckSumPrg(node) d0 d1 FUNCTION All programs on the resident list are checksummed when they are added to the list. On rare occasions, it might be necessary to recompute this checksum. This function computes the checksum on a resident program given its node. It does not change, compare or otherwise alter the node. It is also the only function which does not use the semaphore. Therefore, the correct method of using this function is: Node = ObtainResidentProgram("name"); checksum = CheckSumPrg(Node); ReleaseResidentPrg(Node->rpn_Segment); For a general discussion on ARP's resident list, see the manual page for AddResidentPrg(). INPUTS node - Pointer to a resident program node. RESULT checksum - A newly calculated checksum. BUGS The checksum is not perfect, but it should catch most problems. A tradeoff was made with respect to the time it takes to do more complex checksums. SEE ALSO ObtainResidentPrg(), AddResidentPrg(),LoadPrg(),UnLoadPrg(), RemResidentPrg(), ReleaseResidentPrg(), BaseName(). AUTHOR SDB Page 1 (printed 2/22/88)