CreateTaskResList(31.0) ARP Prog_Man CreateTaskResList(31.0) NAME CreateTaskResList - Create a new nested ResList for this task SYNOPSIS ResList = CreateTaskResList() D0 FUNCTION Create a new Resource list for this task, and insert it at the HEAD of the ResourceArray list. You do not normally need to use CreateTaskResList, because the functions which insert tracked items into the task reslist will automaticly create a reslist if one did not exist before. This function may be used to explictly create a nested ResList for this task; all resources allocated after CreateTaskReslist will be stored in the new ResList until you call FreeTaskResList. This would allow you, for instance, to call CreateTaskResList at the start of a function, and FreeTaskResList at the end of the function, and any resources tracked in the interum would be freed; but all other tracked resources for the task would remain tracked. All Task reslists will also be automaticly freed when you call CloseLibrary() or ArpExit() INPUTS None RESULT reslist - Pointer to the new list, or NULL if failure. Assembly language programers may rely on the Z flag value on return from this function. BUGS None known AUTHOR CDH Page 1 (printed 2/22/88)