LoadPrg(33.4) ARP Programmers Manual LoadPrg(33.4) NAME LoadPrg -- Load a program by searching path. SYNOPSIS segment = LoadPrg("name") d0 d1 FUNCTION This function loads a program into memory, as does LoadSeg(), but unlike LoadSeg() it searches first the arp maintained resident list, then the user specified path. If called from a Workbench process, the resident list, the current directory, and the C: logical directory will be searched, in that order. (This is the CLI's default path.) INPUTS "name" - pointer to a null terminated pathname of the command to load. RESULT segment - a BPTR to the loaded code, or NULL, if an error occured. In the case of an error, IoErr() should be able to give you more information. BUGS None known SEE ALSO UnLoadPrg(), AddResidentPrg(), ASyncRun(), SyncRun() AUTHOR SDB Page 1 (printed 2/22/88)