RemResidentPrg(33.4) ARP Prog Manual RemResidentPrg(33.4) NAME RemResidentPrg -- Remove a program from the resident list, freeing it's node and code segments. SYNOPSIS usage = RemResidentPrg("name") d0 a0 FUNCTION Attempts to remove a Resident program from the resident list. The value returned is the actual usage count of the code you are trying to remove, so if it is non-zero the removal failed, since there are currently processes using that code. Note that it is not an error to remove a non- existant program. For a general discussion on ARP's resident list, see the manual page for AddResidentPrg(). INPUTS name - pointer to a null terminated pathname. This may be any valid AmigaDOS pathname, but only the BaseName of the path is compared and stored. RESULT usage - If usage was zero, then the node was freed and the code was unloaded, otherwise, folks are using this code and it must stay resident for a while yet. BUGS None known SEE ALSO ObtainResidentPrg(), AddResidentPrg(),LoadPrg(), UnLoadPrg(), CheckSumPrg(), ReleaseResidentPrg(), BaseName(). AUTHOR SDB Page 1 (printed 2/22/88)