*** ARPPRO.ZOO ****************************************************** Copyright (c) 1987,88,89 by ARP Authors. All Rights Reserved. This file contains programmer documentation for use of V1.3 of "arp.library" (library version 39.1). ARP, the AmigaDOS Resource Project, is a group effort to provide enhancements to AmigaDOS for users, as well providing a resource for Amiga developers and Commodore to help improve the Amiga's OS software. This file, ARPPRO3.ZOO is freely redistributable *PROVIDED IT IS DISTRIBUTED IN IT's ORIGINAL UNMODIFIED FORM*. Please do not make any changes to any files which you pass on to others; the user's only insurance that they have the officially supported version of the ARP release is in getting the files exactly as released. For further information about distribution and support of ARP, please read the file "DISCLAIMER", which is included with this distribution. ********************************************************************** This ZOO file is organized into several directories, which can be de-archived with the ZOO "//x" option to build the complete directory structure of the original files. In this ZOO file are: (1) This file, "PRO_README", plus the files "DISCLAIMER", "ARPLICENSE", and "Programmers_Manual". Developers and publishers who would like to include files from the ARP release with their distributions should return a signed copy of the file "ArpLicense" to the address noted in the file. (2) Functional documentation for each arp.library function. The functions which are new or changed in V1.3 of ARP (V39.1 of arp.library) are in the subdirectory "NEW_MANUAL", with the older documentation in subdirectory "OLD_MANUAL". (3) The INCLUDE subdirectory, which has the C-language "arpbase.h" and the assembly "arpbase.i" include files. Also in the INCLUDE directory is "arp_lib.fd" for BASIC programmers. (4) Vendor support subdirectories for MANX and LATTICE which has files needed to support the vendor-specific needs. Conspicuously absent here is the M2SPRINT vendor support files, which are not included in ARPPRO3.ZOO because M2S includes them as an officially supported part of their release diskettes. NOTE that the vendor support files are supplied "as-is" and have not been extensively tested. Please request support from your particular language vendor if you need more than we are able to provide in these vendor support files.