********************************************************************* * 13. Setting up AmiTCP 3.0b2 - Fixing the startnet * * * ********************************************************************* When they 'released' the 3.0b2 they made some changes to the way things are handled in the AmiTCP:bin/startnet file, BUT thay have not updated the Installer yet.... (very soon !!) Here is my starnet ...... (the comments *NOTE*, won't be there!) run AmiTCP:AmiTCP WaitForPort AMITCP ; configure loop-back device AmiTCP:bin/ifconfig lo0 ^^^-NOTE 'lo/0' has changes to lo0 ; Configure Devs:Networks/rhslip.device unit 0 AmiTCP:bin/ifconfig slip0 inet netmask ^^^^^^^^^^-NOTE 'Devs:Networks/rhslip.device unit 0' has changes to slip0 inet ; Add route to this host AmiTCP:bin/route -v add amiga1.netcom.com localhost ; Add route to the default gateway AmiTCP:bin/route -v add default ^^NOTE-I added these to print-out errors if anything went wrong! Assign TCP: Exists > NIL: IF Warn Mount TCP: from AmiTCP:devs/Inet-Mountlist EndIf LOOK AT THE NOTE changes.... there are a total of 4 the: lo/0 --> lo0 Devs:Networks/rhslip.device unit 0 --> slip0 inet And (2 times) -v Ok now that's fixed, edit the file: AmiTCP:db/interfaces This is where you tell AmiTCP what networking hardware is available AND where to find the driver for it....... find the line : slip dev=devs:networks/slip.device and change it to : slip dev=devs:networks/rhslip.device OK all done....... Oh.. If you want to use the script to shutdown AmiTCP (stopnet) copy the file rexxc:rx to AmiTCP:bin This seems to make it work! That should be it..... Time to reboot! If this set up does not work the files that you might need to change are: AmiTCP:bin/startnet AmiTCP:db/interfaces AmiTCP:db/netdb-myhost ENV:HOSTNAME & ENVARC:HOSTNAME