Aux-Handler V1.0 (c) Steve Drew 1987 ---------------- I. Desciption: - Installs as a dos handler to control the serial port as a console. - Support all relevent dos packets including WaitForChar and ACTION_SCREEN_MODE. - To your process it looks just like a CON: handler, screening control chars doing CRLF translations and handling deletes ect... - Can be made into a RAW console via ACTION_SCREEN_MODE, it then acts like a RAW console which does not echo characters or handle control chars, but just passes all keys entered back to the process. This would allow you to implement a ANSI style screen editor like maybe MicroEMACS 3.x to work through AUX:. Now thats a multiuser system! II. Installation: 1. Insert the included MOUNTLIST file into you DEVS:MOUNTLST 2. Copy the Aux-Handler to the l: directory 3. Enter Mount AUX: to load the driver. III Using - 'NEWCLI AUX:' will start a cli on the Serial port. - both delete last char typed. - ^X or ^U delete entire line. - ^S / ^Q stop/start screen display (if XON/XOFF selected under prefs.) IV Notes: - Setups': The Aux-Handler opens the serial port with its current settings (as set up in preferences). However you may specify if you want ECHO, CRLF, or RAW Mode on/off via specifiying keyword 'Set': Newcli AUX:Set/E:[On/Off]/C:[On/Off]/R:[On/Off] for example to set Raw off, Echo off and CRLF on. Newcli AUX:Set/e:off/c:on/r:off Case is insensitive. The default if any parameters not specified is: Echo ON, Raw Off, CRLF ON. - Killing A CLI: Normally you just do a ENDCLI. However if you had some one in over a modem or fired it up by mistake you can force an ENDCLI command to be sent to the process by doing a 'ECHO >AUX:ENDCLI' from another CLI.