## ## Example Shared Library Code ## Compiles with DICE ## ## By Wez Furlong ## ## Based on code by Geert Uytterhoeven and Matt Dillon ## ## This source was produced: Monday 23-Jun-1997 ## ## DISCLAIMER ## ## Please read the code FULLY before use... I could have put ANYTHING in ## here; I may have the code format your bootdrive for example. ## ## NEVER trust example code without fully understanding what it does. ## ## This code comes with no warranty; I am NOT responsible for any damage ## that may ensue from its use, be it physical, mental or otherwise. ## ## This code may be modified, so long as the names of myself, Geert and ## Matt are mentioned within any release or distribution produced using it, ## and a copy sent to myself. ## ## This code may be redistributed freely; no profit is allowed to be made ## from its distribution. ## ## This code may be included on an Aminet or Fred Fish CD. ## #### The name of the library PROJECT= example #### The names of your source modules ## LibHeader should be first to prevent accidental execution SRCS= LibHeader.c Misc.c Memory.c StdLibFunc.c Functions.c HDRS= $(PROJECT).h EXEDIR= distribution/ OD= objects/ CFLAGS= -3.0 -d0 -R -l0 -// -f0 #### You shouldn't need to edit below here PROTOS= $(OD)$(PROJECT)-protos.h EXE= $(EXEDIR)$(PROJECT).library FD= $(PROJECT).fd LINKLIB= $(EXEDIR)$(PROJECT).lib PRAGMAS= $(EXEDIR)$(PROJECT)_pragmas.h COMPFLAGS = -no-env $(CFLAGS) $(OD:"*":-I*) -R0 -l0 -lc -lamiga30 -lautos -ms OBJS= $(SRCS:"*.a":"$(OD)*.o") $(SRCS:"*.c":"$(OD)*.o") all: $(PROTOS) $(LINKLIB) $(OD)$(PROJECT).library_rev.h $(PRAGMAS) $(EXE) $(PROJECT).library_rev.h: $(SRCS) $(HDRS) uprev $(PROJECT).library `type $(PROJECT).library_rev.ver` nopro: $(EXE) $(EXE): $(OBJS) fwrite $(OD)$(PROJECT).lnktmp $(OBJS) dcc $(COMPFLAGS) @$(OD)$(PROJECT).lnktmp -o %(left) $(OBJS) : $(SRCS) dcc %(right) -o %(left) -c $(COMPFLAGS) $(PROTOS) : $(SRCS) -delete %(left) makeproto -o %(left) %(right) $(PRAGMAS) : $(FD) fdtopragma $(FD) -o %(left) -copy $(FD) $(EXEDIR) $(LINKLIB) : $(FD) fdtolib $(FD) -o %(left) -auto $(EXE) clean: -delete $(OBJS) $(PROTOS) $(PRAGMAS) $(LINKLIB) $(OD)$(PROJECT).lnktmp $(PROJECT).library_rev.h relink: rmexe $(EXE) rmexe: -delete $(EXE)