----------------------- AmigaOS 3.2 project -------------------------- Find 47.1 (31.10.2019): - This is the first result of the Find utility. Find 47.2 (08.11.2019): - Clear result list before starting a new search. (Bug #983) - Fixed enforcer hit when removing gadgets and search result gadgets not visible. (Bug #987) - Shrunk Listview gadget by one line to make sure the UI scales well on PAL:Hires screens. (Bug #990) Find 47.3 (14.11.2019): - Find updates now the window title with the directory currently scanned. - The recursion check uses now a hash-list for speeding up the process. - Fixed a misalignment of allocated and released size for the found matches. Find 47.4 (21.11.2019): - In case the file name does not fit into the window, find displays now a shortened name. - In case the current scanning directory does not fit into the display string, find displays now "..." as window title. - The "case insensitive" text search could have caused hits by using the wrong match position. Find 47.5 (29.11.2019): - The find window is now simple refresh as this is sufficient. - The window title refresh is now even more careful to avoid junk characters there. Find 47.6 (14.12.2019): - The AppIcon has now its position reset before usage. Find 47.7 (21.12.2019): - Added a menu to the GUI, and an item to copy the found name to the clipboard. - Icons dropped onto the find window inserts now the file path into the source directory. - The GUI is now resizable. - Searching for a string refused patterns containing / or :. Find 47.8 (28.12.2019): - The activity gadgets at the window bottom are now positioned a bit more carefully. - The mode and search source buttons are now ghosted whenever the search is running. Find 47.9 (03.01.2020): - Find no longer flashes when the search pattern filled in is syntactically wrong and the search mode is changed. Find 47.10 (04.01.2020): - Fixed a memory leak, the glyph for the drawer button was not released on a window resize. Find 47.11 (06.01.2020): - Cosmetic tweaking of gui - Fixed revision dates. Find 47.12 (27.01.2020): - The STRING option to search within files was not exposed to the command line or tool types. Fixed. find 47.13 (24.5.2020) - Replaced the locale string lookup code with a safer version which does not go off the rails if asked to look up a string ID value which is not stored in the local CatCompBlock data lump. find 47.14 (24.5.2020) - Reworked the GUI to use reaction. find 47.15 (27.11.2020) - Fix flicker in many cases - it is not nessesary to rethink layout in most cases find 47.16 (20.01.2021) - Added check to ensure this is running on OS 3.2 and present requester if not. - Added BUTTON_TextPadding tag to all button gadgets. find 47.17 (27.02.2021) - No longer insists on v47 intuition, avoids crippled fail requester