----------------------- AmigaOS 3.2 project -------------------------- TextEdit 47.1 (13.11.2019): - This is the initial version of TextEdit. TextEdit 47.3 (13.12.2019); - Made the horizontal scroller actually scroll horizontally TextEdit 47.4 (14.12.2019) - Fix the horizontal scrollbar stopped working after changing wrap mode on off TextEdit 47.5 (20.12.2019) - Implement iconification gadget - Cleanup the startup code a bit - Search and replace bar - It's only GUI for now, not the final icons, and doesn't search or replace anything TextEdit 47.6 (2.1.2020) - Add real images for the search and replace buttons - add menu item to hide the search bar - focus and auto fill the search field when activating search - do actual Search and replace - make hiding the search bar behave the same way - either menu or esc key - implement tooltypes and arguments to control window geometry and public sceen - do normal quit stuff if we get sent a SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C (from say the shell) - Notify of on-disk changes to file - Ask user before overwriting file TextEdit 47.7 (6.1.2020) - Make sure we release everything so public screens can close and WB can restart after we are closed - Fix that the public screen command line argument could be lost before we used it - Show line and column number in the bottom right of the window - Fix a Muforce hit on RTG systems TextEdit 47.8 (10.1.2020) - Fix a memory loss of the searchbar gadgets (they are not auto disposed) - Stop doing RemLibrary of classes I no longer actively develop (texteditor.gadget is still RemLibrary'ed though) - Fix the layout of line,column status text for all fonts TextEdit 47.9 (18.2.2020) - Moved the search and replace gui out of the window border. The cursor pos status is now written in the titlebar - FIXEDWIDTHFONT tooltype and shell arg can be used to force fixed width font - SAVEWINDOWGEOMETRY tooltype can be used to make sure geometry is saved - Make sure we remember last active gadget and also that we reactivate it on resize - Fix that we were locking the screen so wb couldn't be reset TextEdit 47.10 (6.3.2020) - Fixed some enforcer hits and at the same time disable saving of WRODWRAP to tooltypes - fixed menus being out of sync after de iconify TextEdit 47.11 (25.3.2020) - Ask user when file was deleted on disk (before it just said it was changed) - Tell user in nice dialog if we don't have the required components TextEdit 47.12 (29.3.2020) - Implement first version of a syntax highlighter for ARexx - Implement first version of a syntax highlighter for AmigaDOS shell scripts - Ghosted menu items for: C, Asm highlighters - Fix writing file would still retain the end of the old file if old file was longer than the new - Fix garbage tooltype and hit due to non null-terminated array and freeing wrong memory - Fix crash due to double delete of app icon TextEdit 47.13 (08.4.2020) - Fix search next and previous always being casesensitive and never wholeword, no matter what the GUI was set to - Fix a crash in the highlighter - Change the colorscheme of the two highlighters - Highlight ( and ) in ARexx highlighter too - Fix the menu status of wordwrap was not correct on startup and after iconify TextEdit 47.14 (15.4.2020) - Fix that we were silent when failing to save the file - Menu item to turn line numbers on and off, And a tooltype to go along with it. TextEdit 47.15 (23.4.2020) - Fix the horizontal scroller not being set when wordwrap is on when starting and later turned off TextEdit 47.16 (28.4.2020) - Fix memory leak TextEdit 47.17 (06.5.2020) - Let scrollers report directly to texteditor.gadget so intuition will not limit the number of pending messages as it could cause scrolling to the end would never actually reach the end TextEdit 47.18 (23.5.2020) - Huge change. TextEdit now supports multi documents in a tabbed interface. - Files can be opened, new'ed and closed individually - Started from either shell or WB, the user can now open more than 1 file - Scroller updates from the texteditor are now delivered directly to the scroller objects - Changes to files detected while TextEdit is iconified are now not displayed until window is un-iconified - Make "Hide Search Bar" behave like esc wrt selection afterwards TextEdit 47.19 (24.5.2020) - Replaced the locale string lookup code with a safer version which does not go off the rails if asked to look up a string ID value which is not stored in the local CatCompBlock data lump. - Default to use fixedwidthfont TextEdit 47.20 (27.5.2020) - Better startup performance and fix glitch when more than one file is opened - Use the clicktab close button feature TextEdit 47.21 (04.6.2020) - Close from the menu should close current document - not the leftmost - Small cosmetic change to tab close gadget - Menu items to choose "Selection Mode" ("Normal" or "Rectangular") - Use new clicktab fix so it underscores are handled correct in tab names - Fix when opening a new tab word wrap would not be enabled in the texteditor and menus would not reflect und/redo state) TextEdit 47.21 (04.6.2020) - Reactivate texteditor in more cases though some cases I still have no solution for - Oops a small mistake made us not read wb tooltypes - Fix memory leak (bug 1658) - Alternative image for tab close button TextEdit 47.24 (19.7.2020) - Remove old argument and tooltypes based settings - Settings menu and filetype options dialog - Block window and show busy pointer when showing requesters - Use document dir and file name in file requester - C Syntax highlighter TextEdit 47.25 (24.7.2020) - Fix memory offsets was wrong when loading/saving settings - Fix saving window geometry was wrong too - Fix excessive flickering when opening new document - Also load settings from the place specified by the 'SETTINGS' tooltype or keyword. We still don't load/save settings automatically from application drawer but otherwise follow the styleguide. - Auto detect filetype using deficons (via icon.library) TextEdit 47.26 (07.9.2020) - Disabling rectangular selections for 3.2 as it has too many bugs still - Require Intuition 3.2 (V47) TextEdit 47.27 (14.9.2020) - Enable Help key to open help in AmigaGuide - Fixed a small bug in C and ARexx highlighting of comments - Fixed that changing wrapsettings didn't change visibility of horizontal scroller - If the file doesn't exist still "open" it so it is ready to be saved TextEdit 47.28 (23.9.2020) - Remove debug putput that shouldn't be there - Fix blank file when opened through workbench TextEdit 47.29 (21.10.2020) - Default generic text to no wordwrap TextEdit 47.30 (30.10.2020) - Fix memory leak TextEdit 47.31 (19.11.2020) - Reabling rectangular selections for 3.2 as it has now been fixed - Show selection mode in the titlebar TextEdit 47.32 (25.11.2020) - Two new menu items with shortcuts to cycle through the open documents - Remember to close layout and listbrowser gadgets again after use TextEdit 47.33 (1.12.2020) - Fix C highlighter to support // comments - Fix that we didn't autodetect asm files - Implement basic 68k syntax highlighter - Save 170KB of memory to run TextEdit - Fix filetypes menu having more than one item checked TextEdit 47.34 (17.1.2021) - Let TextEdit take its basename from the executable name - Move to IFF based settings files - Prepare for variable number of filetypes TextEdit 47.35 (23.1.2021) - Fix starting more than one document via Workbench would open the first doc N times and not the others - Refactor menu code to use callback functions - will come in handy with dynamic menus and plugins - Add a "Go to" menu item that for now can goto line numbers, but in the future may be extended with more GotoHandlers that can go to files or symbols - Fix it would get tiletype detection wrong - Use the new Replace_all functionality to fix an infinite loop situation - Implement new Edit->Transform Selection submenu with items: Spaces To Tabs Tabs To Spaces To Uppercase To Lowercase - Implement new Edit->Bookmarks submenu - Implement open files by dropping icon from Workbench TextEdit 47.36 (09.2.2021) - Allow Filetypes to have their own option pages and use that for C and ARexx highlighting visual setup TextEdit 47.37 (12.2.2021) - Turn Filetypes into a file based plugin that is loaded on startup - Add a lot of missing keywords to asm 68k highlighter - Goto line can now take an option second part: "c " - Add gui for the highlighters of Shell and Assembler filetypes TextEdit 47.38 (21.2.2021) - Introduce a new kind of plugin: Extensions - In preferences General is no longer a sub page on its own, but rather what you see when you click the top - Fix saving of highlighting settings for ARexx, Shellscript and asm 68k - Rework the filetypes api - but without any user visible changes TextEdit 47.39 (5.3.2021) - Don't leak memory TextEdit 47.40 (8.3.2021) - Fix that the scroller would snap back (unless dragged) TextEdit 47.41 (15.3.2021) - Fix that we would always turn replaceTabsWithSpace on after the tab conversion scripts - Fix spaces to tab conversion - Expand indentation settings with several new values TextEdit 47.42 (23.3.2021) - Fix crash with files containing tabs (default settings had tabwidth'= 0 after the recent changes) - FileType plugins can now also listen to changes and execute ARexx commands against the document - Fix bug where the highlighting settings would set all stylecodes to zero - Make sure we can't have the same file open more than once - Use new clicktab feature to provide tooltips over tabs showing full path - Add '*' at the end of tab text and tab help text when modified TextEdit 47.42 (2.4.2021) - Fix bug where modified dialog would mention wrong document - Fix tab tooltip on documents opened via startup args - Implement "Open" ARexx command - Implement extension callback on gadget up - Fix broken layout when activating "Goto" without search being opne - Fix some problems regarding activation and deactivation of "Goto" TextEdit 47.43 (4.4.2021) - Fix "GoTo" didn't reactivete the texteditor - "FILENAME" Arexx command - aboutToQuit callback for extensions - Make sure the cursor is activated when clicking on tabs - Make sure tab tooltip for say ram:ttt didn't read as ram:/ttt - Use the new clicktab feature to avoid excessive flicker when tab title changes