----------------------- AmigaOS 3.2 project -------------------------- Changes for disk.resource 47.1 (8.8.2020): - To avoid to bring a non existing drive #0 into the system a special check for Get/ReadUnitID(0) has been added. Previous releases of disk.resource have always added drive #0 as DRT_AMIGA if DRT_EMPTY was read as unit-id because there exists internal drives which do not report their type. Now on DRT_EMPTY on unit #0 disk.resource checks if the head can be positioned on cylinder #0. Only if this succeeds the unit-id is set to DRT_AMIGA. The check will be performed only once and is flagged via DR_FLAGS.DETECT0. - To allow the new check to use timer.device the reading of the unit-ids is no longer performed during the disk.resource init but is defered to the first calls to Get/ReadUnitID(). This will happen normally during init of trackdisk.device. - The id-string of disk.resource is now properly init.