----------------------- AmigaOS 3.2 project -------------------------- Changes for release 45.1 (6.4.2019): - LayoutMenusA() did not properly check for boopsi images as menu labels, and hence crashed as soon as it was attempted to use them. Changes for release 47.1 (19.5.2019): - The FrameIClass supports now a new frame type, the context boxes. This is used by GadTools for the new bevel boxes. - Added a new flag to CreateGadgetA(), NG_GRIDLAYOUT, which positions and scales gadgets to multiplies of the font box size, with a resolution of 1/4 of font height and font width. Changes for release 47.2 (30.5.2019): - Some programs leave junk in ng_Flags and then trigger erraneously the font scaling algorithm. The scaler now attempts to detect such junk and disables itself upon its detection. Changes for release 47.3 (20.7.2019): - Added the tags GTVI_MinFontWidth and GTVI_MinFontHeight to specify minimum design dimensions for SetDesignFont(). Changes for release 47.4 (26.1.2020): - If GTMX_Active overrun the number of gadgets, gadtools could create a hit. It now activates the last gadget in the group. Changes for release 47.5 (26.1.2020): - Fix so the Shift key in menus is now shown correctly. Changes for release 47.6 (12.5.2020): - Implement true OS level support for scrollwheel Changes for release 47.7 (23.5.2020): - GadTools allocates GTST_MaxChars for gadgets of STRING_KIND plus an extra char for the cursor. It also copied an extra char into the buffer via SetGadgetAttr() when GTST_String was specified, which resulted in overlength strings not being truncated properly. Changes for release 47.8 (31.5.2020): - The "�" character (ASCII 187) is no longer used to indicate menu items with a sub-menu. Rather, a flag is set in the MenuItem structure which tells Intuition to display a proper sub-menu mark. - Added support for the new MENUMX and MENUSUB sysiclass images as part of the menu layout computations. - The menu layout is now done in such a way that menu items are never shorter than the tallest of the standard menu glyphs. - The value of the BBFT_CTXTFRAME constant in libraries/gadtools.h has been changed due to a conflict with the OS 4.x API. It keeps being the same as FRAME_CONTEXT (from intuition/imageclass.h), which was changed as well. Changes for release 47.9 (09.6.2020): - Fix potential crash dereferencing a nullptr Changes for release 47.10 (4.10.2020): - The menu layout code wasn't always reserving enough room for the shift key symbol; now fixed (bug #1845). Changes for release 47.11 (9.12.2020): - Scrollers and sliders now feature 3D-style embossed knobs and a darker container background when intuition.library is version 47.44 or higher. Changes for release 47.12 (22.12.2020): - Scroller and slider knobs are now drawn in selected state when clicked upon and dragged with the mouse. - Listview scrollers now always have square arrow buttons (corrected for screen aspect ratio), instead of having buttons as tall as list items, which could yield weird results with very large or very small fonts. - The GTSC_Arrows tag now supports the special -1 value, meaning "square arrow buttons". If used, the button size may still be adjusted so that it doesn't exceed 1/4th of the scroller's length. - Arrow buttons taller than 11 pixels now put an extra pixel of vertical padding above and below their inner arrow symbol, in an effort to make it a little more pleasing to the eye. Changes for release 47.13 (1.1.2021): - DrawBevelBoxA() now passes IA_Label and IA_LabelPen to frameiclass, in place of IA_Data and IA_FGPen (see also Intuition 47.47's releasenotes for more information about the reasons for this change). - Added the new read-only GTLV_Total and GTLV_Visible attributes. - Added the new GTMX_ScaledSpacing attribute, to be used in grid layouts. Changes for release 47.14 (19.01.2021): - Reverted a prototype change for slider gadget which would break legacy apps which peek the gadget's structure directly (PCx/Fusion) gadtools 47.15 (21.1.2021) - Updated the AutoDocs to describe the function set through the GTSL_DispFunc tag in more detail, especially how parameters are passed to it. - Fixed a compiler warning. - No functional changes. gadtools 47.16 (20.2.2021) - The MIF_SHIFTCOMMSEQ now also applies to command strings