------------------------ AmigaOS 4 project --------------------------- getfont.gadget 46.1 (18.02.02) - initial release for OS4. getfont.gadget 50.1 (3.7.2002) - bumped the version number to 50. getfont.gadget 50.2 (4.7.2002) - first release for testing, with support for some Intuition V50 features. getfont.gadget 50.3 (27.9.2002) - now propagates the backfill to its button object. getfont.gadget 51.4 (11.12.2002) - Fixed makefile which did not work with standard build environment (V:aug/bin/make). - No longer searches include files in V:ReAction/include and include/ but in V:include instead. - Changed __ASM and _REGXX macros to ASM and REG for future gcc compatibility. - Compiled with data=far, linked with scnb.lib and without sc.lib, scm.lib and small.lib, removed all __SAVEDS macros for future gcc compatibility. - Declared const data as STATIC CONST to remove the data hunk. - Defined __USE_SYSBASE to forbid the startup code to read ExecBase from chip ram. - Compiled with CPU=68060 which runs on 68020 and up instead of CPU=ANY. The startup code did already exit without an 020. - Now uses 256 bytes instead of 100 bytes for the font name, no longer uses strcpy() without size check for font names. - Now uses 264 bytes instead of 128 bytes for the fontname/size gadget text, no longer uses RawDomt() without size check for this text, no longer uses (void (*)())"\x16\xc0\x4e\x75" as PutChProc for RawDoFmt(). - Now passes the TextAttr.ta_Flags as ASLFO_InitialFlags to asl.library. - Added new tags GETFONT_CharSet, GETFONT_DoCharSet, GETFONT_OTagOnly, GETFONT_SampleText, GETFONT_ScalableOnly. Bumped version to 51. Now requires asl.library V46+ and diskfont.library V46+. getfont.gadget 51.5 (11.12.2002) - BugFix: When setting GETFONT_TextAttr the fontname/size gadget text was not updated. getfont.gadget 51.6 (5.4.2003) - Fixed possible problem introduced in V51.5: The fontname/size gadget text is now updated with DoMethod(), not with SetGadgetAttrs(), from within the class dispatcher. Thanks to Stephan Rupprecht for the hint. ----------------------- AmigaOS 3.2 project -------------------------- getfont.gadget 51.7 (18.8.2019) - Notice that v51.7 reflects only a transitional status between the OS4 and 3.2 projects. - fixed race condition when opening/closing. - no longer refuses to open under < V46. - now runs on 68000/68010. getfont.gadget 47.1 (1.9.2019): - recompiled with data=far and utllib to improve the code generation.