------------------------ AmigaOS 4 project --------------------------- palette.gadget 46.1 (18.02.02) - initial release for OS4. palette.gadget 50.1 (25.4.2002) - bumped the version number to 50. - now the gadget sends interim OM_UPDATE messages only if its GA_Immediate attribute is TRUE. - gadget operations are now aborted as soon as the right mouse button is clicked, rather than when it is released. - the layout of color boxes does now use an enhanced version of the code from the palette gadget of gadtools.library, thus ensuring a consistent appearance between the two gadgets. Also, it looks better. - now the gadget supports custom rendering hooks for palette boxes. - some code optimizations. palette.gadget 50.2 - 50.4 - internal development versions, never released. palette.gadget 50.5 (26.8.2002) - fixed a bug which caused the window backfill pattern to show around the selected color box after a GM_RENDER. palette.gadget 50.6 (24.9.2002) - improved support for the "flat" Intuition frame style. palette.gadget 50.7 (26.11.2002) - now the palette background is filled with BACKGROUNDPEN rather than with color zero. - further improved "flat" style support. ----------------------- AmigaOS 3.2 project -------------------------- palette.gadget 50.8 (18.8.2019) - Notice that v50.8 reflects only a transitional status between the OS4 and 3.2 projects. - fixed race condition when opening/closing. - now runs on 68000/68010. palette.gadget 47.1 (1.9.2019): - recompiled with data=far and utllib to improve the code generation. palette.gadget 47.2 (2.9.2019): - Fixed a compiler problem, __SAVEDS was used with DATA=FARONLY, which confused the compiler a lot.