------------------------- AmigaOS 4 project -------------------------- requester.class 50.1 (unknow date) - first running compile with StormC4. - replaced startup-code. - did some minor fixes. requester.class 50.2 (unknow date) - some more fixes (memory leaks). - replaced build-in images with newer ones made by Matt Chaput. - implemented REQ_Image, REQS_Invisible and REQI_Invisible attributes. - changed layout of requesters a bit. requester.class 50.3 (28.06.02) - removed unnecessary spaces from the built-in "Ok|Cancel" text. - implemented RETURN, LAMIGA+V, ESC and LAMIGA+B as keyboard shortcuts to end a requester. - all images are now compressed saving 3kb of diskspace :) NOTE: requires latest penmap.image. requester.class 50.4 (23.03.03) - implemented REQ_VarArgs attribute. ------------------------ AmigaOS 3.2 project ------------------------- requester.class 50.5 (18.08.19) - Notice that v50.5 reflects only a transitional status between the OS4 and 3.2 projects. - ported to SAS/C. - fixed a race condition when opening/closing. - now runs on 68000/68010. requester.class 47.1 (7.9.2019): - recompiled with data=far and utllib to improve the code generation. requester.class 47.2 (8.9.2019): - moved all globals into the library base requester.class 47.3 (12.9.2019): - fixed a use of global instead of per-instance data. requester.class 47.4 (1.10.2019): - Fixed a bug in the startup/init code. requester.class 47.5 (3.10.2019): - The class required the penmap.image v50, even though the most recent version is the v47. Fixed the dependency. requester.class 47.6 (14.3.2020): - Fixed crashes while handling keyboard input or opening an integer requester. requester.class 47.7 (8.4.2020): - No longer fails if NULL is passed for screen and window when opening a requester. requester.class 47.8 (22.4.2020): - Fixed use of uninitialized memory which was causing eg. fonts to not always open.