23 March 1999 |
Released SkyCommander v0.99e !!! Download
Sorry for the long lay-off... I've
been rather busy and haven't got time to work on SkyCommander until the
last two weeks. I know that many of you are anxiously anticipating the
next release, and so, I've decided to release version 0.99e ahead of time,
at the expense of some planned features not being included. Although I've
got the macro script working internally, I have yet to conceptualize the
appropriate Macro-Learning UI to be integrated into the existing RCU UI.
Hence, the macro feature did not make it in time for this release. Nevetheless,
version 0.99e includes other extras that was worth the wait:
Support for HP Jornada 420 and 680
SkyDesigner - A WYSIWYG(What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get)
RCU Designer
Better support for monochrome devices
Larger range of Capture Length and Performance
Bug fixes
Please take some time to read the updated
documents on the Installation, Usage,
Tips and Tricks and Trouble
Shooting sections as they contain information specific to the latest
Added Links Section.
Check out the Buttonz
and Tilez page! It contains a really cool freeware program to
create button bitmaps. With this and SkyDesigner, you'll have your very
own personalized RCU up in no time! Remember to send the RCU to me after
you're done. :-) |
29 January
1999 |
New RCU added.
This has got all the home entertainment
appliance control you'll ever need! It has got a JVC RX-206 tuner, a Sony
EV-A50 8 8mm VTR, a Magnovox VHS VTR and an X10 IR controller!! Check
it out!
Because it uses 2 bpp bitmaps, it
is also monochrome-friendly. Whether you are a color device owner or monochrome
device owner, this is the RCU to own. Download here. |
22 January
1999 |
SkyCommander Mailing List.
I have started a mailing list for
the benefit of those who would like to be informed about the latest updates,
and engage in discussions regarding SkyCommander. Join
now! |
18 January
1999 |
RCU contributions, anyone?
Before I plead further, let me start
the ball rolling. Check out my very own creation
- a multi-purpose RCU with a classy golden tint(sorry, you won't be able
to savour its golden splendour on a monochrome device ;-) ). Download
If you have a creation of your own,
come on, share it with us! Upload it to me.
Better support for monochrome devices.
Did I just contradict myself? Anyway,
just to let you know that I've not neglected the owners of monochrome devices
like the 320LX and 360LX. I have done some fixes to allow loading of the
Mode bitmaps from external bitmap files, therefore enabling colour or monochrome
display on the Mode panel(The colour bitmaps don't show up too well on
monochrome devices). This fix will be included in the next release.
Compatibility updates.
Thank you all for providing much
feedback about the compatibility of SkyCommander with non-HP SH3 devices.
So far, I have received reports of non-compatibility with Casio, LG and
Hitachi devices. I am currently working with owners of these devices to
try and figure out the cause of the problem, but unfortunately, it is very
difficult for me to debug on a device when I don't have one to physically
troubleshoot on. However, I'll try to think of the things which other manufacturers
may be doing differently from HP(any ideas anyone?), and find ways to get
around. So... until these problems have been resolved, the <Compatibilty>
list will only include HP devices. |
8 January 1999 |
The truth is out. SkyCommander will NOT
run on MIPS processors.
Refer to <Compatibility>
Section for more details. |

SkyCommander enables your Windows
CE devices to function as a truly flexible and customizable Universal Remote
Controller for all your consumer appliances like TVs, VCRs, Air Conditioners,
Disc Players, etc... What's more, you don't need any external supporting
equipment to use with this program. SkyCommander makes use of the built-in
IRDA port on your WCE device to emulate and store commands from your appliances'
remote controllers, and hence enables you to remotely control multiple
appliances using your WCE device.
Download the
latest version now!
Works with most, if not all remote controllers
from different manufacturers.
Does not require additional supporting
equipment to operate.
Intermediate operating range (varies
with different appliances).
Remote-Control-Unit(RCU) interface.
RCUs are portable.
Operable without an RCU interface.
Execute multiple RCUs concurrently (limited
to the maximum of 32 simultaneous processes in Windows CE).
Operating System Support
Windows CE 2.11
Windows CE 2.0
Windows CE 1.0
will not be supported due to technical reasons.
Hardware Support
HP Jornada 680
HP Jornada 420
HP 660LX
HP 620LX
HP 360LX
HP 320LX (Windows CE 2.0)
Ericsson MC16
Ericsson MC12 (Windows CE
If you're
not a owner of one of the above devices, please do not install SkyCommander
on your device, because it will not work properly. If you already have,
refer to <Installation> section on instructions
to uninstall SkyCommander from your device. Sorry for any inconvenience
PCs Limitations
The current
crop of Palm-Sized PCs have very weak IR transceivers built in, resulting
in very limited operating range for SkyCommander. Although the HP
Jornada 420 is included in the compatibility list, its performance with
respect to remote control operating range is pretty bad and hardly usable.
Please note
that support for other SH3 devices is currently underway pending investigation
into some problems with assignment of COM port numbers to the IR port on
different devices, and other implementation differences. I would appreciate
anyone staying in Singapore who can lend me his/her device for a couple
of days so that I can debug and try to get SkyCommander running on these
non-HP SH3 devices. Anyone?
I've done
some reading up on the datasheets and user manuals of the various MIPS
processors(NEC and Philips) used by Windows CE devices, and the conclusion
is that the Consumer IR driver cannot be ported to the MIPS platform. This
is due to architectural differences between the SH3 and MIPS which disallow
the same implementation of the Consumer IR driver on the SH3 to be applied
on the MIPS. I am terribly sorry to disappoint those who have been waiting
eagerly for SkyCommander to be supported on their MIPS devices. Nevertheless,
a big thank you for showing interest in this product.
The following features are what I
intend to implement for future releases of SkyCommander. If you would like
to see a certain feature which is not in the list below implemented for
SkyCommander, please feedback to me.
Macro button and script support.
Timed playback of button command or macro.
Integrated Help.
Remote Control Data Viewer and Analyzer.
SkyCommander is currently under beta,
therefore it is free!
You are not allowed to use this software
for commercial purposes. Feel free to distribute this software to your
friends, provided it is for personal use only.
The SkyCommander software, or part
thereof, including the accompanying consumer IR driver, shall not be modified
or utilized to support a third-party application.
SkyCommander is Copyright
© 1999, Oh Hong Meng. All Rights Reserved.
Select the correct
program archive to download according to the model of device that you have
and the version of Window CE running on it.
Date |
Description |
Version |
OS |
Platforms |
23-3-1999 |
SkyCommander |
0.99e |
CE 2.11 |
HP Jornada 680
HP 660LX
HP 620LX |
23-3-1999 |
SkyCommander |
0.99e |
CE 2.11 |
HP Jornada 420 |
23-3-1999 |
SkyCommander |
0.99e |
CE 2.0 |
HP 660LX
HP 620LX |
23-3-1999 |
SkyCommander |
0.99e |
CE 2.0 |
HP 360LX
HP 320LX
Ericsson MC16
Ericsson MC12 |
Remote Control Unit
Have you created your own
RCU and want to share it with everybody?
If so, zip up your RCU and attach
it in an email addressed to me at:
I will personally try it out and post
it on this page so that everybody can download it.
I'd truly appreciate your feedback
on SkyCommander. Please kindly get back to me on the following:
Bug reports
Compatibility reports
Features desired in future releases
How useful it had been to you
Are you willing to pay a fee for such
a software and if so, how much?
My Email address is : ohhm@usa.net
Note : Please refrain from
flooding my mailbox with requests for MIPS support. SkyCommander will not
run on MIPS devices due to technical difficulties in porting the Consumer
IR driver. Refer to <Compatibility> Section
for more details.