; Installer for prism2.device. ; Copyright © 2005-2008 Neil Cafferkey. ; $VER: "Install prism2.device" 1.3 (10.2.2008) ; Set constants (set #dev-name "prism2.device") (set #devs-source "Devs/networks") (set @default-dest "DEVS:networks") (set #pccard-name "pccard.library") (set #libs-source "Libs") (set #libs-dest "LIBS:") (set #util-name "SetPrism2Defaults") (set #c-source "C") (set #c-dest "C:") (set #firmware-source "Devs/Firmware") (set #firmware-dest "DEVS:Firmware") (set #kick-too-low-msg "Kickstart 3.0 or greater is required.") (set #ask-firmware-prompt "Do you want to install firmware for the Hermes II chipset?" ) (set #ask-firmware-help (cat "A firmware file is needed for a small number of PCMCIA cards," " including certain cards made by Proxim, Thomson and Compex." " The file will be installed in \"" #firmware-dest "\"." " The firmware is ignored if unneeded, and no permanent changes" " are ever made to any card." ) ) ; Check OS version isn't too old (if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 39) (abort #kick-too-low-msg) ) ; Check which OS we're running (set #is-mos (= (run "Version \"MorphOS\"") 0)) (set #is-os4 (AND (>= (/ (getversion) 65536) 50) (NOT #is-mos))) ; Install pccard.library on OSs with PCMCIA support (if (AND (NOT #is-os4) (NOT #is-mos)) (copylib (source (tackon #libs-source #pccard-name)) (dest #libs-dest) (help @copylib-help) ) ) ; Install device (if #is-os4 (set #devs-source (tackon #devs-source "OS4"))) (if #is-mos (set #devs-source (tackon #devs-source "MOS"))) (copyfiles (source (tackon #devs-source #dev-name) ) (dest @default-dest) (help @copylib-help) ) ; Install the wireless parameter utility (copylib (source (tackon #c-source #util-name)) (dest #c-dest) (help @copylib-help) ) ; Install Hermes II firmware on OSs with PCMCIA support (if (AND (NOT #is-os4) (NOT #is-mos)) (if (if (= @user-level 2) (askbool (prompt #ask-firmware-prompt) (help #ask-firmware-help) ) 1 ) (copyfiles (source #firmware-source) (dest #firmware-dest) (all) (help @copylib-help) ) ) )